Growing Local Economies

Rotary is committed to leveraging community and global resources to alleviate poverty and create sustainable economic improvements in underserved areas. To achieve this goal, members and the RF (I) work to provide vulnerable communities access to financial services, training in entrepreneurship, community leadership, and vocational skills to enhance employability. The foundation also supports small businesses, cooperatives, and agricultural development and facilitates access to renewable, clean, and efficient energy sources, among other initiatives.

The Rotary Foundation India supports investments in people and communities to alleviate poverty, creating measurable and enduring economic improvements in poor and underserved areas.

Key Interventions

Building the capacity of local leaders and networks to support economic development in poor communities.

Developing opportunities for productive work & improving access to sustainable livelihoods.

Empowering marginalized communities by providing access to economic opportunities and services.

Building the capacity of entrepreneurs, social businesses, & locally supported business innovators.

Addressing gender or class disparities that prevent populations from obtaining productive work.

Increasing access to renewable energy and energy-efficiency measures.

Empowering communities to develop environmental and natural resource conservation skills.

Strengthening communities’ economic resilience and adaptive capacity in response to environmental and climate-related hazards.

Developing and supporting community-based essential emergency preparedness services to improve economic resilience.

Funding graduate scholarships for career-minded professionals related to community economic development.

Parameters for Eligibility

Rotary Foundation India Supporting financial services, vocational training, and sustainable development to empower communities and enhance economic resilience
Rotary Foundation India Enhancing community development through financial services, vocational training, and support for small businesses, agriculture, and clean energy



Stories From The Field